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Flowering Almond1 Heavenly Bamboo2 Crimson Pygmy Barberry3 Gold Nugget Barberry4 Pygmy Barberry5 Rose Glow Barberry6 Yellow Barberry7 Blue Mist Bluebeard8 Dark Knight Bluebeard9 Scotch Broom10 Fine Line Buckthorn11 Tall Hedge Buckthorn12 Burning Bush13 American Cranberry14 Alpine Currant15 Cranberry Cotoneaster16 Carol Mackie Daphne17 Ivory Halo Dogwood18 Kelsey Dogwood19 Red Twig Dogwood20 Variegated Red Twig Dogwood21 Lynwood Gold Forsythia22 Hydrangea23 Miss Kim Lilac24 Creeping Mahonia25 Diablo Ninebark26 Summer Wine Ninebark27 Yellow Ninebark28 Mock Orange29 Cistena Plum30 Gold Drop Potentilla31 Golden Privet32 Carpet Rose33 Hybrid Tea Rose34 Pink Meidiland Rose35 Pink Meidiland Rose36 Simplicity Rose37 Rose of Sharon38 Gold Flame Spirea40 Gold Mound Spirea41 Little Princess Spirea42 Snow Mound Spirea43 Grow Low Sumac44 Grow Low Sumac45 Burkwood Viburnum46 Pink Dawn Viburnum47 Variegated Weigela48 Wine and Roses Weigela49 Wine and Roses Weigela50 St. John's Wort51 Dwarf Blue Arctic Willow52 Ivory Tower Yucca53